Thursday, May 19, 2011

here is what i promised.

Pictures of Pompeii. Here you go.
I will tell you what surprised me most about Pompeii: it is huge. In my mind it would be a couple of streets, but in reality, it's hundreds of streets with hundreds more little houses and apartments. It's amazing how much is still intact!
Nerd alert - the next picture is a fresco, but think about it. This fresco survived a volcanic explosion that annihilated a huge city and then survived hundreds of years after that.

The streets have chariot tracks. And my hair is consistently in a bun so it doesn't stick to my neck, so don't mind that I look like a boy in a skirt.

On the same day, we saw some Pompeii-ian artifacts in Naples, including some boss rings that I would love to bedeck with my fingers with sometime. We did not, however, venture into Naples, because that place is sketch. We ate pizza just outside the train station and peaced, making it back to Rome for an evening walk.


  1. hmm, can I have that outfit? rock.

  2. where did you buy your amazing camera that takes these amazing pictures? i really want to know. :) also, i'm jealous you went to venice. that has always been a dream of mine.

  3. you are living the dream girl.
